Thursday, April 22, 2010

My WHEELMEN & CO. Hand made stuff.

When I was younger I used to love getting that little something extra with a new product I bought. Whether it was an extra sticker that came with my new skate shoes or a stencil or button. It always seemed special to me. I don't know about you, but I've always been a big fan of that little something. Just that small touch seemed personal and humbling. As if it was a "thank you" directly from the company itself. To show they were real people using their hands to get you the best quality product available. It turned out that I became a real sticker junky as I grew older and love tchotchkes and knickknacks.

Growing up I've always made my own stickers. But, a while back I got to hand making Wheelmen Spoke Cards and Custom made Corks. Initially it was my idea to market my company it brought a very nostalgic feeling back to me. The Corks were hard to collect and stenciling each one by hand was a pain in the ass. Expect to see these corks to appear on the first run of our Wheelmen & Co. Chutney Hip Bags. Check out our

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